Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have too many hobbies. Plus full time nurse, full time student, full time mom & house wife. I'm busy! And I really like it. I really want a serger sewing machine but my husband is making me wait for it. Oh well, I do have a lot to keep me busy already. Here's a few hats I crocheted and sold. Love them!!

Lady bug hat (customer asked for eyes on it)

The back:

And a cute little flower one:

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Gettin' er done

My kitchen is finally coming together. I will post before and after pictures when it's all done. Boy, what a process. It's been well over 2 years since it was started! 2 YEARS!!! Last night I finally don't have wires hanging down from my cupboards. My doors are on, edging painted, drawer fronts on and all the handles are on. Now all that is left is the floor and one drawer front that needs to be shortened. Yay! I cannot wait!!
Next project - entrance way

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Off the happy pills

Yup I'm officially off the anti-depressants. Not because my doctor told me to or anything like that but because I ran out and was too lazy to go to the doctor to get a refill. Yup, I also went off them the very dangerous way, cold turkey. I don't recommend it to anyone and in hind sight, it was pretty stupid. I thought I that I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms at the time at all but now that I look back, I did, and still do once in a while. Oh well, I did it and feel so much better! Not saying that I didn't need them or that there's anything wrong with taking them, it's just that I feel I no longer needed them and do that's why I feel better now that they're gone.
The family's all doing good. We've all just gotten or are getting over a nasty bug going around. It been a month now - I sure hope we feel better soon.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out with the old ....

And in with 2012

Here's to hoping it's a great year. 2011 has had many ups and some very low lows. It was a roller coaster that I never want to ride again. I've taken a break from my blog because I honestly don't know if I want to parade my deepest depressed feelings and thoughts to the world (all 10 of you who read this). I'm living in a pretty sad mindset right now but am hopeful that the new year will bring new life with it.
Happy new year everyone and I hope that it's a gooder!!

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